Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rappin' Lullabies at 3 a.m.

The things I do when it is 3 a.m. and my daughter won’t sleep. My sleep-deprived mind searches for ways to remain sane. The other night, I made up a rap song to help Sydney sleep. The key is getting the cadence down, I guess. Yo, ya Yo, Yo, Yo….

My name is Sydney Grace,

I got spit-up all over my face,

But there’s no way that’s gonna keep me down

Someday I’ll own this Cincinnati town.

I may cry and scream a heck of a lot,

But chalk it up to being just a normal tot.

Life right now is full of drama,

Thorns for daddy; roses for mama.

But someday soon I’ll be all grown,

Preparing for college and taking out my loans,

And daddy will look back on these tough days,

Wondering if there was any possible way,

He could jump in a ship and go back in time,

When he was sleep-deprived and making up these rhymes.

Because he will miss his little princess girl

Who has finally made it in this world,

But I will never forget him, so he shouldn’t be sad,

Because he will always be the king of dads.

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